
Welcome to Wear Class

Class Teacher: Miss Watson
PPA  Cover: Mrs. Maude & Mrs. Gallagher
Children have a 10 Minute Timetable Book and are expected to complete one activity per week which will be handed out on a Monday. They also have 10 weekly spellings which they are encouraged to practice at home. 

It is really important that we ensure our children are confident readers who have a love of reading. Therefore I would ask that children read at least three times a week and that this is recorded in their reading records. This will then ensure that the children receive their reading stickers and awards. Children have their Accelerated Reader levels and login information so they can complete quizzes at home too.

See pdfs below.
PE Days
  • Tuesday pm: Swimming
  • Thursday pm: Hockey 
Year 4 Multiplication Check (June 2025)

Y4 Multiplication Check Information for Parents

Spring Term 1 Whole School Timetable 2024-2025

Y3 Spelling Overview

Y4 Spelling overview

Spelling National Curriculum